For several months now we have noticed that Lydia’s left eye drifts outwards and I took her to the GP a few months ago to ask for a referral to get it checked.
Although the GP was pretty dismissive about the whole thing, telling me she was too young for them to be bothered with it yet, I persisted at the appointment and was given a referral to Birmingham Children’s Hospital Eye Department to have her vision checked. Yesterday morning we had our first appointment at the hospital and it was confirmed that she has a divergent squint in her left eye.
The ophthalmologist did some basic eyesight tests and measured how much her eye was drifting. She said that Lydia’s vision in each eye seems equal but that when she looks into the distance her eye begins to drift. She was impressed that we have caught it so early and said that we absolutely did the right thing to push for an appointment as it will very likely need some sort of treatment (eye drops, an eye patch, or glasses), and possibly a small surgery.
We will be going back in about a month for another appointment, so her eyes can be tested further and we can see what needs to be done to try to correct it. As the GP told me they wouldn’t bother with doing anything I am pretty pleased I insisted!
For now, I am just glad that she isn’t bothered by it, and can see well enough.
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